Monday, November 27, 2017

Entry 132: Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama (1988)

Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama (1988)

Dir: David DeCoteau

"In a bowling alley from hell, there's only one way to score..." 

This flick begins with a fat slob and two hopeless nerds (Andras Jones from A Nightmare on Elm Street 5, Hal Havins from Night of the Demons and John Stuart Wildman from nothing you've ever seen or heard of) breaking into a sorority house to watch two pledges submit to ass paddling and whipped cream baths, so you know exactly what type of film you're in for.  When our terminally-virginal trio are caught in the act by the sisters, they're forced to accompany the two comely pledges-"Scream Queens" Brinke Stevens (This is Spinal Tap, Nightmare Sisters) and Michelle Bauer (Cafe Flesh, Nightdreams), on their final hazing challenge: break into the local shopping mall and steal a trophy from the bowling alley (which seems pretty fucking tame...Have these ladies never seen Revenge of the Nerds?  Also, did any of your local indoor malls come equipped with a bowling alley?  Mine sure as shit didn't...).  When oafish Wildman drops the trophy, it unleashes jive-talking, wish-granting imp Uncle Impy, who offers to make the trespassers wildest dreams come true.  Of course, Impy is a trickster, and while he does grant wishes, he also turns the meddling sorority sisters (who have been watching the escapade via CCTV) into zombies who tear Wildman's head off and go bowling with it, cook Havins in the deep-frier and tear Stevens in half.  With the others deceased, it's up to level-headed Jones, along with tough, sexy thief Spider (the always-awesome Linnea Quigley, Return of the Living Dead, Creepazoids) and janitor George "Buck" Flower (Back to the Future, They Live) to thwart the zombified sisters, get Uncle Impy back into his trophy-prison and survive the night...

Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama is the very definition of harmless trash.  The enthusiastic cast knows EXACTLY what type of movie they're in and turn in surprisingly likeable performances.  Director DeCoteau (a Charles Band regular responsible for several entries in the Puppet Master series) keeps things light, emphasizing nudity and humor over gore.  Sorority Babes was one of several movies (along with Beach Babes from Beyond, A Nymphoid Barbarian in Dinosaur Hell and several others) that, in my adolescent days, I used to scan the TV Weekly insert in my local newspaper for in the hope that they'd show up on USA Up All Night (they almost always did).  See, in the pre-internet days, we had no easy access to porn (unless we happened to find some in the woods), and had to search for softcore flicks like this on cable.  Even edited for television, you were always guaranteed some good side-boob and underwear shots.  Those were the days.      



  1. Wishing I was a sexy thief spider..

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